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« May 2012 » |
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24 May 2012 | Views: 2832 | Comments: 0 |
Children's literary web-site "Raduga Tuvy" (Tuvan Rainbow") will be one year old in May. During this t period, a quite rich collection of stories appeared on it - more than 60 of best translations of Tuvan folklore, 10 books of prose and seven books of verse by Tuvan writers.
"Raduga Tuvy" is the fruit of collective thought and work. The best Tuvan writers gave permission for publication of their books: Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, Alexander Darzhai, Cherlig-ool Kuular, Choodu Kara-Kuske, Mariya Khadakhane, Kombu Bizhek, Ekaterina Tanova. Kyzyl-Enik Kudazhi's historical tetralogy "Ulug-Khem neugomonnyi" is published with permission of the author's granddaughter Inna Savyr.
Inna Printseva, translated by Heda Jindrak, drawing by Valeri Yelizarov |
22 May 2012 | Views: 4700 | Comments: 0 |
The builders are planning to finish the tallest statue of the Buddha in Russia, which will stand in Kyzyl, in 2012. Two years ago, Buddhist lamas proposed the idea to erect the tallest gilded statue of Buddha Shakyamuni in Russia near Kyzyl. The statue is to be 15 meters tall. The monument, located on Mt. Dogee, will consist of a 6-meter throne with the meditating Buddha seated on it in lotus pose. At first, the statue was supposed to be 40 meters tall. However, on the advice of the planners, the builders decided to decrease it to 15 meters to be better able to withstand seismic events. Even this will still make it the tallest in Russia.
RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak |
14 May 2012 | Views: 2526 | Comments: 0 |
International Scientific Center "Khoomei" published a book "Chonnun khoomeizhis - Gennadiy Tumat". The book is a collection of letters and verse of Gennadiy Tumat, (1964 - 1995), as well as reminiscences about the legendary master of throat-singing, who, together with the musicologist Zoya Kyrgys, founded the first throat-singing ensemble in Tuvan history in 1988, "Tyva". The musician and the scientist together put together the repertoire of the new group, searching for treasures in the Tuvan NIIYaLI archives.
The legendary ensemble "Tyva" gave birth to many famous stars of Tuvan khoomei: Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, Kongar-ool Ondar, Stanislav Danmaa, Evgeniy Oyun, Boris Kherlii, Ivan Saryglar, and Otkun Dostai.
Dina Oyun, tuvaculture.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
6 May 2012 | Views: 2447 | Comments: 0 |
Sergei Shoigu, the newly appointed governor of the Moscow Region, recently proposed that Russia move its capital to Siberia. Shoigu, a native of the Buddhist majority republic of Tuva, just north Mongolia, may have been playing to his home audience. The idea was immediately squelched, and the Moscow regional assembly dutifully approved Shoigu’s appointment to run Russia’s richest region.