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«    December 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Head of Tuva gave Sergei Brilev's book "Forgotten allies in Second World War" to Vera Bailak

Head of Tuva gave Sergei Brilev's book "Forgotten allies in Second World War" to Vera BailakPremier Sholban Kara-ool presented birthday greetings to veteran Vera Chuldumovna Bailak for her 88th birthday. Traditionally, they meet on her birthday and discuss the past for a long time. She usually spends her birthday at her herding station near Chadan of Dzun-Khemchik district, supervises her large farm, gives orders and instructions to herders and helpers, and sees guests. Many various journalists visited her, and were ceaselessly amazed by her energy and vivaciousness of spirit. At 85, she still stayed in the saddle with confidence. Now Vera Bailak pays more attention to her health at sanatoriums, or relaxes at her children and grandchildren's houses in the city. Regardless of her demanding and even hard character, she can be a loving mother, grandma and great-grandma. Regardless of the fact that she is close to 90, she is very feminine and beautiful. Today she met the Head of the republic with beautifully waved hair.

Sholban Kara-ool presented her with a bouquet of flowers and a book by the famous tele-journalist Sergei Brilev "Forgotten allies in Second World War". They reminisced together, how he came to her herding station and recorded the interview. Back then Vera Chuldumovna welcomed Sergei Brilev like her son, gave him a national vest, prepared many various dishes and very much wanted him to eat well. Sholban Kara-ool read to her the most interesting parts from Sergei Brilev's book. Then they again remembered the history of the feats of Tuvan volunteers, who fought in the Ukraine. Vera Chuldumovna asked to relay sincere gratitude to the journalist for special attention to the Tuvan nation's contribution to the war with fascism. The premier was introduced to the veteran's grandchildren and great-grandchildren and asked them to call right away if their grandma needs something. Vera Chuldumovna refused the offer to visit the best Russian sanatoriums, explaining that she will feel the best at home.

Vera Bailak is the only one of 206 volunteers from Tuva, who is still alive. Tuvinian People's Republic, as it was known then, officially declared war to Germany in June 1941, when Hitler's army invaded USSR territory. She left for the front at the age of 18, as a young mother, leaving her one-year-old son in her parents' care. She spent the was as a member of Tuvan cavalry squadron, which the Germans named "schwartze Todt" - Black Death. The squadron was a part of 31st guard of Kuban-Black Sea army of 8th Guard cavalry division and excelled especially in the battles for the Ukraine. Soviet Supreme Command Headquarters awarded the Tuvan squadron the honorary title "Guards of Roven". The 67 Tuvan volunteers received USSR Orders and medals, and two of them received the title of 'Hero of Soviet union". Vera, who started out as an ordinary sanitary instructor, finished up as a sergeant of the Guard.

Vera Chuldumovna participated in the Victory Parade on the Red Square twice. She met with Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev. Until she was 86, she kept her front-line toughness, personally supervising her farm of 500 sheep and 50 cows, which is now under the care of her large family (she raised 10 children).

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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