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Tuva Presented at Russıa'a largest Information Agency Press-Centre

Tuvan Prime-Minister Sholban Kara-ool gave a press-cinference at Russia's largest Information Agency - RIA NOVOSTI in Moscow. It is the first press-conference ever given by a Tuva's head on a federal news-platform. 'In 1970 when all over Russia Lenin's 100 jubielum was celebrated, Tuvan Party Committee gave an assignment to local historian to find something connecting Lenin and Tuva, - Kara-ool started unexpectedly. - The historians did a lot to fulfill the task searching for a bit of Tuva in 54 volumes of Lenin's works and a mass of memoirs of his colleagues and finally found a short line in his letter from Siberian exile adrressing his wife Krupskaya. 'I write these lines. It is dark outdoors. Winter. Some kilometers further is Shush river (400 km Tuva's north), beyond which nothing. The world's end'.

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Dina Oyun

Tuva trip a dream come true

About 10 years ago, Ed Michaud was driving home to Ellsworth when music came on his car radio unlike any he had heard. The singer seemed to be doing the impossible, vocalizing several different notes simultaneously. “It blew my mind as to how a person could create those sounds with their voice,” Mr. Michaud said.

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Mark Good / Mount Desert Islander

Leading Russian Oncology Center Faces Shortage Of Medicine

One of Russia's leading oncology centers is suffering from a lack of medicine. The Cancer Treatment Center in the Siberian city of Kyzyl, in the Russian republic of Tuva, is well known for its effective methods of treating cancer patients.

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Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Day of memory was held in Moscow for the researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein

On November 23, a day of memory was held in Moscow for the legendary Russian ethnographer, archeologist, orientalist-turkologist, Professor Sevyan Vainshtein (1926-2008). His friends, colleagues and students, including those from Buryatia and Japan, gathered in his apartment. Among them was Dr. Elena Petrovna Batyanova, who remembered Sevyan Izrailevich with deep gratitude – as a great researcher of history, ethnography and archeology of Tuva, as a specialist in the area of history and culture of the nomads of Eurasia.

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Mariya Naksyl, translated by Heda Jindrak

British lords came to visit the opening of the exhibition of the unique collection of Scythian goldsmith art

The only nephew of the British Queen, the founder of the business brand Linley, viscount David Linley, visited on November 2, 2008, the official opening of the exhibition “Treasures of the Valley of Kings. The King’s Kurgan Arzhaan-2”, in the National Museum of Tuva. The exhibition, located in two halls of the new museum building, consisted of the unique finds from the Scythian kurgans of Pii-Khem district of Tuva – the results of archeologic excavations of years 1971-1974 and 2001-2002.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

The Legendary Researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein, Passed Away in Moscow

altIn Moscow, they said good-bye to the legendary scientist Sevyan Vainshtein. The heart of the inquisitive ethnographer, remarkable researcher and expert on Tuva, stopped in the morning of October 16.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Keeper of the Reindeer of the Great Taiga

altHe walked for three days to fulfill a promise he gave a year ago. From over there beyond the mountain, from the summer pasture. By way of an old footpath, which nobody except him remembers anymore.

Whitefoot came with him – Ak-Khol, his dog with white front legs. And two riding reindeer, Blackie and Zorka.

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Nadezhda Antufyeva (Center of Asia), translated by Heda Jindrak

Russians Rally Support to End Tibet Oppression

The 12-hour symbolic fasting and prayer service for global peace, happiness for all humanity, relieve Tibetans suffering torture and oppression under the Chinese government, was observed across many regions in Russia.
Tuva: In Tuva republic, abbot of Gaden Shartse, Geshe Lobsang Thupten presided over the 12-hour prayer service and symbolic fasting, attended by around sixty local Buddhists at the city center hall.
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Basel in Talks with Lunsin to Mine Tuva Metals Deposit

Interfax recently cited Mr Andrei Plugar deputy general director of BasEl as saying that Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element held negotiations with OOO Lunsin a subsidiary of China's Zijin Mining Group and Heilongjiang Longxing International Resource Development Group on the joint development of the Kyzyl Tashtyg zinc and lead deposit the internal Russian republic of Tuva.
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Por-Bazhyn, the Uighur Fortress in Tuva

“Just be patient for a month and a half, and we will know the exact date of building of the Por-Bazhyn fortress by dendrochronology ( archeologic dating method by analysis of tree growth rings) – Tuvan scientist, Vladimir Petrukhin, a scientific worker from Institute of Slavic Studies, answered, when asked which was older, Kara-Bulgusun or Por-Bazhyn.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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