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» Naadym has been Opened with the Official Concert in the Drama Theatre
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«    August 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Naadym has been Opened with the Official Concert in the Drama Theatre

The first day of the celebration of the national festival, Naadym, began with a poor showing of decorative arts on Lenin St. in Kyzyl in the morning. Following at 6pm was an official ceremony in the National Drama Theatre, which was transmitted throughout the Republic. The people invited to the event included veterans, merited workers, and delegates from the districts (kozhuun) of Tuva. Head of the Tuvan Government Sherig-Ool Oorzhak addressed everyone, gave the agricultural statistics for the year, and presented state awards for agricultural accomplishments. Those awarded to the sounds of thunderous applause were, Kherel Darzha, herder of the Choduraa state-farm in Tes-Khem kozhuun, Andrei Efimov, tractor brigade leader of the Balgazyn state farm in Bai-Khaak kozhuun, Oiun-ool Tumat, a shepherd from the Torgalyg villiage in Oviur kozhuun, Air Yenzak, a shepherd from the Chaa-Oruk state farm in Erzin kozhuun, Chysynmaa Irgit, a vet from the Bai-Khaak kozhuun, and Aldynmaa Davaa, chief accountant of the Kaa-Khem state farm in Kaa-Khem kozhuun. The awards ceremony was followed by a concert featuring the best Tuvan performers

Sayana Mongush
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