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» Mayour Elections
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«    September 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Mayour Elections

Today the lottery for the free space in the municipal newspapers among the candidates for the post of mayor of Kyzyl took place. The contenders for the position, who officially registered are, philosopher Vladimir Bagai-ool, Deputy Chairman of the Tuvan Government Victor Vusaty, Deputy Chairman of the Tuvan Government Dmitiri Dongak, Deputy Chief of the School Department Zinaida Dechtyar, City Council deputy Ostap Damba-Khuurak, chief of the house maitenance unit 'Our House' Oxana Kenden, businessman Eduard Naxyl, a businessman from the neighboring city of Sayanogorsk Vitaly Popov, director of a construction firm Sergei Safrin, scientific astronomer Alexei Tevek, director of a machine plant Vladimir Serikov, director of the Alcohol Quality Control Center Orlan Tinmei, and Minister of Justice of Tuva Alexandr Yazev. Two of the candidateЂs registrations were refused by the Election Committee, which found that the petitions for their support did not have enough voter signatures. They are the current mayor of Kyzyl, Alexandr Kashin and ex-Deputy of the Supreme Khural; Eker-ool Manchyn. The two will dispute their cases in court.

Anna Lachugina
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