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» First Conference on 'Balneo Resources of Tuva and Prospects of Their Exploitations' has been Held in Kyzyl
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«    September 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

First Conference on 'Balneo Resources of Tuva and Prospects of Their Exploitations' has been Held in Kyzyl

The first scientific conference on 'Balneo Resources of Tuva and Prospects of Their Exploitations' in the Republic has just ended in Kyzyl. The reports presented shed light on both the state of, and possible future exploitation of lakes, which Tuva is rich with. One of the lakes, Cheder, a very famous resort, has already been studied by the scientists, and is found to be good for treating intestinal problems. Among the Tuvan water springs, one of the most famous is Shivilig, located in Bai-Taiga, a western district of Tuva. During the summer the spring turns into a camp when dozens of families go there for vacation and treatment. ItЂs known for its effect against spinal and bone problems, post-traumatic complications, and headaches. Nevertheless, Dr. Victor Popov (Novosibirsk) pointed out that the radon content in the water of Shivilig is harmful to drink and that people who are drinking it for treatment should cease doing so immediately. Next to be studied are the Dus-Khol (Salty lake) near Kyzyl and the water springs of Tarys and Choigan. The scientists also discussed working out a special medical tour route from Dus-Khol to Shivilig to Choigan and to make a map of medicinal water springs with the descriptions of the lakes curative qualities and resort prospects.

Marina Chanzan
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