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» Archaeological Season in Tuva is Coming to Its End
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«    July 2003    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Archaeological Season in Tuva is Coming to Its End

Archaeologists of the Hermitage expedition from St. Petersburg are finishing their fourteenth field season on burial mounds near the Dogee-Baary mountains in the vicinity of Kyzyl. According to the head of the expedition, Sergei Havrin, some of the burial mounds can be completely liquidated-- many of them have been plowed up by local citizens who use them as garden areas. Excavations are conducted on two graves-- one from Scythian time (5-6000 BC), and the other is from Hun time (3-1600 AD). There is a scarcity of funeral stock in contrast to the notable burial sites in Arzhaan. Burial grounds in Dogee-Baary are interesting for the fact that they represent all stages of the development of Scythian culture in Tuva--from earliest pre-Scythian up to the transitive Hun epoch of 7- 2000 AD. Archaeologists believe that it is a unique case when one can study in its complexity different kinds of monuments, barrows, petroglyphs, reindeer stones, etc., thus making it possible to build a chronological scale, which gives more insight into the life of legendary nomads.

Sayana Mongush
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