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» New Film on Tuva has been Produced by Local TV Company
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«    December 2004    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New Film on Tuva has been Produced by Local TV Company

A new film on Tuva has been recently produced by the State TV Broadcasting Company "Tyva". It opens up a new world to you - the intriguing and unique world of Tuva and its nomads, who still make up two-thirds of the population. People from the very heart of Asia, with its infinite steppe and impenetrable taiga, hot desert sands and snow-capped mountain peaks, its blooming Alpine meadows and severe tundra. Nowhere on earth will you find such variety or beauty of terrain. Here in Tuva you will still find the wandering nomadic herdsmen with their horses, cattle, sheep, goats, yaks, camels and reindeer. An open steppe untouched by fences, with a way of life that has changed little over the years. In the forests there are bears and wolves while the sky is dominated by the magnficent steppe eagle. Asia's greatest river, the Yenisei, also starts here in Tuva, before winding thousands of miles to the Arctic seas. Thousands of smaller rivers criss-cross the landscape, untouched and pure. It's all here in the film "Touring About Tuva"!
The unique diversity of Tuvan nature is also inherent in Tuvan culture. We have burial mounds of Scythian times and remnants of Uigur fortresses, stone inscriptions of ancient Turks and samples of old Mongolian letters. And unique throat-singing!!!
The film in English can be ordered by post. VHS copy costs 15 dollars, DVD disc - 35 dollars. E-mail to:, or call +7-095-3664269.

Dina Oyun, Audrey Wideman
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