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» » Igor Koshkendey received the most applause at "Voices of the Golden Steppe" festival concert in Astrakhan
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«    October 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Igor Koshkendey received the most applause at "Voices of the Golden Steppe" festival concert in Astrakhan

Yesterday was the opening day of the International Ethnographic Festival-contest "Voices of the Golden Steppe - 2011". About 1000 participants from Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan will be performing. Minister of Culture of republic Tatarstan, Alexander Abdeyev sent greetings to the ethnographic forum.

Regional minister of culture, Irina Tarasova, noted at the opening of the festival, that the language of arts does not need translation, and folk music demonstrates this in a poetic language: "Creative communication at the festival, and the resulting contacts will become the foundation for strengthening the cultural ties and friendship between the Astrakhan region and  other regions and countries.."

Winners of past festivals and members of the jury participated in the ceremonial concert. The audiences warmly welcomed the artists, but the greatest applause was given to Igor Koshkendey, artist of National Orchestra of republic Tyva, representing throat-singing, and the men's folklore ensemble from Saratov that performed the Russian "Barynya".

On the eve of the festival, there was a press-conference of the participants and lottery of the contestants. The chairman of the jury, academician from Sankt-Peterburg Igor Matsievskiy, said that the festival "Voices of the Golden Steppe" has changed its status by becoming international: " It is not by chance that it takes place in Astrakhan. Your multinational region is a carrier of rich cultural traditions of Europe and Asia. This is the cross-roads of many world cultures. The festival will demonstrate the entire variety of song traditions from many corners of Russia, it will show their original dances and ancient costumes."

astrobl.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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