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«    May 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Kazan will listen to Tuvan throat-singing

Kazan will listen to Tuvan throat-singingDuring the 10th International Festival of Turkic People "Nauruz", Kazan will listen to throat-singing. Artists from the state V. Kok-ool music and drama theatre will be participating in the festival.

Tuva will be also represented in Tatarstan by folklore trio "ShaaLaash" (Oktyabr Saaya, Stanislav Iril, Saidash Mongush).  They owe their unusual name to a healing spring in Tuva. The throat-singer ensemble will be in Kazan from  29 May and will perform in the opening and closing ceremonies of "Nauruz".

10th International festival of Turkic peole "Nauruz" will take place in Kazan from 30 May to 3 June. About 550 guests and participants are expected. Troupes from Japan, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and  Moldavia, as well as from regions of Russia such as Yakutia, Altai, Tuva, Dagestan, Khakassia and others will be coming to Kazan.

According to the press-center of the 10th International theatre festival of Turkic peole "Nauruz", the festival will open on 30 May with a ceremonial festive parade and a grandiose theatre program. MDT - Theatre of Europe with  "Three sisters" play by Lev Dodin, and a star of world music Stepanida Borisova will be the Honored guests of the festival. Beside invited honored guests, more than 40 drama and puppet theatre productions from the whole world, stage shows, Japanese Noh theatre, musical performances, mysterious dances of the dervishes will be presented to the audience - in a word, a true celebration of theatre.

Info from the press-service of festival "Nauruz", translated by Heda Jindrak
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