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«    June 2012    »
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Visitors of theatre festival in Kazan will be purified by a shaman from Tuva

Visitors of theatre festival in Kazan will be purified by a shaman from TuvaOn 21 June, a shamanic ritual of kamlanie will be performed in the center of Kazan. It will be carried out by a hereditary shaman from republic Tyva, Lazo Mongush.
The communication with spirits will take place in the framework of the Second International Theatrical-Educational Festival-Forum of Turkic nations "Nauruz", which opened today in the Tatarstan capital and will continue until 23 June.
As Lazo Mongush explained in an interview with IA "Tatar-Inform", people will be able to "purify themselves of evil spirits" thanks to the shamanic ritual kamlanie.
"There are people who go on living without understanding why they are always subjected to bad luck, sometimes family strife, or problems at school. The purification ritual should help them," - the shaman said.
The ritual will take about 30-40 minutes at first, a fire will be lit, during which anybody will be able to see good or evil spirits, according to the shaman.
Lazo Mongush was born on 17 February 1950, during the national holiday ":Shagaa" in the year of the Tiger (New Year in Lunar Calendar), in a family of horse herders. Soon after he was born, his mother died, and Lazo was adopted by his father's older sister. She was a shamaness.
For a long time, Lazo did not recognize his gift, and worked as a wide-spectrum tractor and combine driver in "Krasniy pakhar" kolkhoz in Pii-Khem kozhuun. His photo was on the honor exhibit for more than 15 years. He was a qualified technologist for steam engines, driver of the I-category, and a carpenter. He won championships in national wrestling "khuresh", chess and volley-ball quite a few times. He is a referee of Russian category in volley-ball. After retirement, he worked as a photo-correspondent for the "Shyn"(Pravda) newspaper. Being a bone-setter, he healed people, but he became a shaman only in 1993.
"Sometimes a person should not know about his powers too soon, so that he does not use them for harmful purposes," - Lazo explains. - And even myself, when I was young, I did not know what I was able to do. Even though sometimes other shamans were able to see my gift, they did not tell me anything. Then the perestroika began, a time of changes. it is good that I found out about my calling when I was already a mature person. It is only rarely that a young shaman gets to be strong. Power is a virtue of old men."
Lazo Mongush is a master of throat-singing khoomei and plays the folk musical instrument khomus.
He performs rituals of kamlanie and purification
Starting in 2002, he has been actively invited to countries of Europe and other countries abroad.
He worked for four years at a private clinic in Basel, Switzerland, helping in healing. From 2004, he worked in Latvia, and was invited by the president of that country , Vaira Vike to perform a purification ritual at her house. In 2007 he treated the postal workers in Novosibirsk at the request of the administration of the Post Office.
In April of 2009, Lazo Mongush has already performed a ritual on the central square. The shamanic ritual in front of the theatre of opera and ballet took pace in the presence of prominent guests - the governor Alexander Khloponin and the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, in Krasnoyarsk during the Days of Tuvan Culture.
Lazo Mongush is raising six sons, the youngest of whom is preparing to take over the shamanic gift, but it is too soon to speak about it, as his father is convinced.

Tatr-Inform, Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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