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To the Memory of Gennady Chash, one of the Tuvan Best Khomus Players |
25 Fabruary 2005 | 3254 views | 0 comments |
A concert dedicated to the memory of Gennady Chash, one of the best Tuvan sygyt performers, born 45 years ago, takes place today in Shagonar, Ulug-Khem district centre. Chash was one of the first propagators of Tuvan khoomei abroad. He was a participant of the 22th Folklore Festival in Washington, 1988. The jury impressed by his vocal art awarded him with the special prize “For Contribution into the Propaganda of Traditional Cultures”. He was one of the few performers in Tuva who could while singing khoomei accompany himself by playing simaltaneously a jewish harp. In 1991 in Yakutsk Gennady Chash was recognized at the Second International Congress “Vargan: Tradition and Contemporaneity” as the “Virtuose in Khomus-Playing”. Prominent Tuvan Khoomeizhi will take part in the today's concert, among them – Kongar-ool Ondar, Igor Koshkendei, Ayas Danzyryn.
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