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» Tuvans Discuss the Possible Name of the Only Tuvan Plane
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«    June 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvans Discuss the Possible Name of the Only Tuvan Plane

Natalia Azhikmaa-Rusheva. Photo by Tuva-OnlineInterAvia company which is planning to reopen up a direct air connection between Moscow and Kyzyl mid June suggested that the plane, presented 10 years ago to Tuva by Boris Yeltsin and now flying on this route, be named after one of the Tuvan war heroes. This initiative stimulated a discussion of the question in the public at large and a wave of proposals. One of them comes from an ex-ballet dancer, Tuvan veteran Natalia Azhikmaa-Rusheva, currently based in Moscow. She proposes that the air-plane should be named after a woman, as women in Tuva mean and do much more than men. The most suitable person for it, to her mind, is heroic Vera Bailak, 80-year-old war veteran, mother of 10 children who is still at work being the head of the big farm.

Dina Oyun
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