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» Tuva can Sue South Corea for the Bus Defect which Caused Overturn and Hospitalization of People
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«    June 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva can Sue South Corea for the Bus Defect which Caused Overturn and Hospitalization of People

The preliminary examination of the cause of the bus overturn in which 33 people were damaged showed that it was due to the defect of one of the bus parts and the people were lucky to have a superprofessional chauffeur to drive who skillfully evaded more serious consequences. Several Southcorean second-hand buses were bought by the Kyzyl alexistration to go on the Kyzyl-Abakan route. The buses carrying 'Moscow' passengers (coming to Abakan from Moscow by train)are usually overcrowded because of the relatively low price – 300 rouble (11 dollars), compared to a taxi – 800 rouble (25 dollars). Experts say that the South Corean firm which supplied buses to Tuva can be sued in case if the buses were not sold as repair parts and it is the Kyzyl city officials who decided to use them as a means of trasport for carrying people.

Sayana Mongush
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