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«    October 2005    »
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Albert Mongush is Winner at the Russian Sambo Championship

Albert Mongush, 16, has come back from the Russian Championship in sambo wrestling, which has been held in Saratov, with a gold medal. Today he and his coach Vaycheslav Mongush were honoured in the Kyzyl Mayor Office. Dmitri Dongak. Kyzyl mayor, has presented the schoolboy with various gifts.
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Dina Oyun

American musician hailed as unlikely throat-singing icon

The American musician Paul Pena, who has died aged 55, became an unlikely icon when the award-winning documentary Genghis Blues, charting his quest to sing in the Central Asian republic of Tuva, was hailed as a popular success.

Though he sold very few albums, Pena was admired internationally for his courage and dignity in the face of terrible reverses. He lost his sight by the age of 20, and his last years were dogged by debilitating illness, which meant that he was rarely able to make music, a hard blow for a gentle man who enjoyed communicating with his new-found fans.

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The Guardian

Vice-Mayor's Wife has been Caught Red-Handed

Narco-policemen of Tuva have detained Maria Ondar with 130 match boxes full of gashish. The woman who had been for a long time under policemen's observation, this time has been caught red-handed. She has not been in the narco-business out of poverty as most of the people in the Tuvan rural areas are, noted policemen.
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Dina Oyun

American Bluesman Who Mastered Tuvan Throat-Singing Dies

Paul Pena, a San Francisco blues guitarist who wrote one of the biggest hits Courtesy of Gengis Blues site for the Steve Miller Band, has died. He was 55. Pena is familiar to audiences for the 1999 Academy Award-nominated documentary "Genghis Blues," which tells the story of how he took up Tuvan throat singing. Pena died Saturday from complications of diabetes and pancreatitis. Pena, almost completely blind since birth and plagued by illnesses most of his life, was born in Hyannis, Mass. He proved to be a natural musician, singing and teaching himself several instruments.
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The Associated Press

First Democratic Elections were Held in Tuva 15 Years Ago

First Tuvan democrates has celebrated these days the 15th anniversary of Members of the 1st perestroika parliament. Courtesy of the 'Risk-Inform' news-paper the first democratic elections in Tuva. In Autumn, 1990 139 deputies of the Supreme Soviet of Tuva were elected on the alternative base. For the first time in the Tuvan history voters had more than a candidate on the election bulletin to chose from.

That democratically elected Soviet had done a lot for promoting democracy in Tuva - declared sovereignity of the people of Tuva, annuled the leading role of the communist party in Tuva, adopted a new Constitution in 1993.

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Dina Oyun

Sainkho Gives Concerts in Moscow

Sainkho Namchylak has come to Moscow to take part in the memorial festival 'Long Arms' dedicated to Nikolai Dmitriev, director of the 'Dom' cultural centre. The place is known as the main stage for the musicians performing world music. Tuvans are frequenters here both as performers and visitors.
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Dina Oyun

According to Bill under Preparation Tuva is likely to have a New Leader Appointed from Moscow

Dmitry Kozak, the presidential envoy to the Southern Federal District, said Friday that his office had finished drafting a bill that would allow federal authorities to confiscate powers from provincial leaders who fail to raise standards in their regions.
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Dina Oyun
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