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» New Issue of Uraankhai Magazine Came out
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«    December 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New Issue of Uraankhai Magazine Came out

The 4th issue of the new illustrated Uraankhai magazine has been recently released. Tuvan contemporaneity images and rare photos of the Tuva in the early 20th century are published there. It gives a review of the latest Tuvan events and speaks of the present hot Tuvan topics - construction of the railway, whether it is a good or an evil for the republic. Tuvan senator Ludmila Narusova thinks it to be the way out of the present poor economic situation in Tuva. Yuri Solomin, great Russian actor, Maxim Munzuk's partner in the 'Dersou Uzala' film sticks to the contrary view - it will bring to the loss of the culture, its dissolution. Strange as it might seem but the passage by Solomin in this regard at the very last moment was cut from his interview by a proof-reader (who is also a journalist at the Governmental press-service). She explained it afterwards with a remark - nobody is interested in this opinion. The railway is all the same to be constructed in Tuva. It is a decided matter.

The magazine can be ordered by mail. Its retail price is 2 dollars plus post expenses. Book at uraanhay@mail.ru

Dina Oyun
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