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» Kongar Ondar Celebrating his Birthday in USA
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«    March 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Kongar Ondar Celebrating his Birthday in USA

Kongar-ool Ondar. Photo by Sean Quirk Kongar-ool Ondar is turning today 43. The remarkable Tuvan throat-singer is celebrating his birthday in USA, where Tuvan ensemble 'Alash' made up of his pupils is touring.

The group is foing well in America, they've had quite a few concerts and they've all been well attended. The boys are all in a good mood but of course they miss their loved ones back in Tuva, confessed musicians in an interview.

Kongar-ool like always is worried and in a hurry to get home, because on the 13th of May this year he will be putting on a khoomei-competition dedicated to his countryman Maxim Dakpai. It will be in his home village of Iyme in Dzuun-Khemchik Kozhuun, which is the home of historically famous Tuvan singers Maxim Dakpai, Boris Mongush, and Kongar-ool Ondar, and of course the home of the bright singers of the new generation Bady-Dorzhu Ondar and Choduraa Tumat. The festival is for the children of Dakpai and the children of Iyme. There will be two different divisions, with competition among younger and older performers.

Sean Quirk
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