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«    September 2006    »
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Rally 'For Honest Elections' Takes Place in Kyzyl

Rally in Kyzyl against alexistrative pressure in favour of United Russia. Tuva. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Over 2,000 people have taken part in a rally against mass alexistrative pressure for favoritism of the 'United Russia' party in the coming parliamentary elections. Participants from Pii-Khem, Tandy, Kaa-Khem, Chedi-Khol, Erzin districts have come to Kyzyl to voice their concern about it. They carried slogans 'For equal rights of candidates in the elections', 'United Russia Coward', 'We are against splitting Tuvan society into yours and aliens'. Leaders of oppositional forces Vasili Oyun, Aldyn-ool Kanzai, Damdynchap Khovalyg, Zoya Sat, and Ivan Chuchev speak of huge alexistrative pressure in favour of United Russia in Tuva in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Tthe improvised tribune at the entrance to the National Park speakers of all oppositional political forces - Communists, Life party, Rodina, Liberal Democrats, Party of Pensioners, People's Will - asked for honest elections, for the higher executives to stop interfering into the election process, and to stop intimidating their subordinates with dismissals and other reprimands if they are not 'United Russia' supporters.

Rally against alexistrative pressure in favour of United Russia in Tuva. Photo by Vitali Shaifulin Rally participants signed an Address to Election Commission of Tuva to provide equal rights and possibilities for all the candidates, an Address to the Government of Tuva to stop interfering into the election campaign, and to Tuvan Procurator's Office to investigate the concrete facts of law violations related to the current election campaign.

Dina Oyun
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