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«    Fabruary 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New Elections Expected to Settle Parliamentary Crisis in Tuva

Tuva is the only region in Russia to live for over 5 months without a parliament. The much spoken about political crisis goes on and is now at its peak on the eve of its probable solution. The way out is expected to come either in the form of the Supreme Russian Court decision where appeals from United Russia candidates are being considered or in a new parliamentary election appointed for March 11. The Supreme Court proceedings with Tuvan appeals under consideration are fixed for February 21 and 28. It would decide whether Tuvan court verdict which stated that the Kyzyl election commission decision to cancel October elections results in 5 one-seat constituencies for the Legislative Chamebr of the Great Khural Chamber as illegal was right and well-based. The parliamentary balance in between the two competing parties in Tuva - Life Party and United Russia party - will be then ruined in favour of the Life Party whose members are sure their victory was stolen 5 months ago in favour of the Tuva's Prime-Minister who wants to stay in office for the 4th term.

If the Federal Court would not confirm the rightness of the lower court decision then the floor would be given to electorate at the elections which would take place in 5 one-seat constituencies to the Legislative Chamber (54 pretenders already!) and in 23 one-seat consituencies to the Representative Chamber of the Bicameral Great Khural of Tuva.

The fight for deputacy is going to be hot as at stake is the future ruler of Tuva whose candidacy would be presented by Vladimir Putin to the Great Khural for approvement. Current Tuvan Prime-Minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak's third term in office expires in March this year but he is determined to have a majority sopport in the parliament to have a new chance to keep running the republic.

Dina Oyun
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