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«    Fabruary 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Opposition Appeals to Putin

Tuvan opposition has released an open appeal to Russian President Putin attracting his attention to the power crisis in Tuva which under 16 years of Sherig-ool Oorzhak's leadership has come to poor results. It is a second of its kind address to the President with the almost similar critic of the current leader of Tuva. The first one was launched a year ago by the majority in the Tuvan parliament.

This time the appeal of 12 deputies elected into a new Tuvan parliament in October last year is published in an all-Russian news-paper 'Izvestia'. It should be noted that the political crisis initiated after October parliamentary elections by Life party deputies (former leadership of the Great Khural) has been not solved up to the moment. Tuva remains the only subject within the Russian Federation with a paralised for over 5 months parliament and without an adopted budget for the current year.

Opposition boycotts parliamentary session because of the lost parliamentary majority following an Election Commission decision which cancelled election results in 5 one-seat constituencies where opposition had received a more votes than the government-supported candidates.

Opposition expects that the Supreme Court of Russia decisions made on February 28 be in their favour which would make appointed for March 11 additional elections for 5 disputable mandates unnecessary.

These days a decision of a new leader for Tuva is to be made by Vladimir Putin as Oorzhak's third term expires in March.

Dina Oyun
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