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» Tuvan Deputies Made an Address to Putin
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«    March 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Deputies Made an Address to Putin

13 Tuvan deputies (12 votes are needed to make a special resolution of it) voted for the Address to Vladimir Putin in which they wrote of the poor condition of Tuvan economy mostly to the ineffective rule during the last 14 years by Sherig-ool Oorzhak. The last drop which overfilled the bowl of deputies' patience was the latest semi-secret privatization of the biggest market center in Tuva - Garuda. State-owned trading centre was sold at 2,5 million rouble (80 000 dollars) which is an inadequate price for such a property. The announcement of the tender demanded to be published in a republican news-paper came out in an appendix to 'Shyn' news-paper which was issued only in 200 copies and was distributed in the far-off districts. Thus an interest in buying 'Garuda' was shown only by two businessmen who took part in the tender.

Just on the eve of the tender head of the state property agency Kuular was invited to the parliament for comments of the list of the stat-run objects due to be privatized. The deputies excluded trading centre 'Garuda' from this list and Kuular confirmed that Garuda won't be privatized but it was.

Sayana Mongush
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