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«    July 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva's Head Delivers his Annual Address to the Parliament

Tuva's Prime-Minister Sholban Kara-ool gave his annual address to both houses of the Tuvan Great Khural. Speaking before the lawmakers, Kara-ool paid a special attention to key-problems in socio-economic development of Tuva, presented his view on its prospects.The Tuvan leader delivered his speech two days after his 100 days in office expired. He devoted it to an economic analysis of the situation in Tuva as well as his recommendations for the future.

Kara-ool stressed energetic problems of the republic which now is the main hindrance to any development of the country. Any new construction is in question due to the huge lack of energy Tuva is experiencing. Corruption in all spheres. Poor infrastructure. Bad roads. Corrupted construction business. Blns of rubles invested with no results. Construction firms can win tenders with the fixed sum of the whole construction standing at 19 mln roubles as it was the case with the new museum building. Over 150 mln has been invested since the tender but the construction is not completed and none is responsible for it.

Republican property is poorly managed, swallowing budget money instead of paying out.

"It is an honest overview on our life, which we have not been accustomed to hear from the people in power, - Nadezhda Antufieva, chief editor of the Centre of Asia news-paper, wrote in an editorial. - We know we live not well. But we did not know that the situation is that bad".

It is the first annual address given by new Tuva's leader - Sholban Kara-ool. He came into office April 6. His candidature was proposed by President Putin. Sherig-ool Oorzhak who ruled over 17 years retired.

Dina Oyun
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