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«    November 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Gazprom, Tyva Administration Sign Cooperation Agreement

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Prime Minister of the Republic of Tyva Sherig-ool Oorzhak have signed a cooperation agreement, the Prime Tass economic news agency said on Tuesday quoting the company’s press release. Gazprom and Tyva will cooperate in the implementation of a state program aimed at setting up a unified network for natural gas production, transportation and deliveries in East Siberia and Far East, with taking into account further possibility of gas exports to markets of China and other countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (the East Program), Prime Tass said.

The agreement envisages preparation and implementation of the republican programs and projects for survey and development of hydrocarbons fields on the basis of the East Program.

The document also includes projects for developing a network for the deliveries of liquefied and compressed gas in the Republic of Tyva, developing and introducing gas- and energy-saving technologies, drafting the optimal regional fuel and energy balances for the future on the basis of local resources, and setting up a unified environmental monitoring system.

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