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«    April 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Worldwide Last Chance to See the Monumental Scythian Exhibition in Hamburg, Germany

After showing this spectacular exhibition with 6,000 artifacts from burial mounds of the by-gone Scythian cultures from Tuva, Mongolia, Altaj, Kasachstan, the southern Ural region, Ukraine, Hungary and Poland in the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, with several Tuvan representatives of politics and arts present at the opening, as TuvaOnline reported, and subsequently in the Kunsthalle in Munich, this third and last leg of the monumental exhibition takes place at the Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg – see www.mkg-hamburg.de with curator Dr. Frank Hildebrandt. The opening of the Hamburg exhibition entitled “Fuerstengraeber der Skythen – Im Zeichen des Goldenen Greifen” on February 14th was a truly remarkable event, and newspapers, TV and Radio stations had heavily and most positively reported about this attractive exhibition, putting Tuva at focus as the ‘homeland’ of the Scythian culture. Based on the detailed reports, the public in northern Germany and elsewhere has been drawn to the exhibition in unprecedented numbers. Even visitors from overseas will travel to Hamburg, one of whom is Dr. Heda Jindrak, a famous forensic pathologist and an anthropologist from New York. Also the lovely Tuvan throatsinger Sainkho Namtchylak is expected to come to Hamburg again. Besides the wonderful exhibition catalogue authored by DAI president Hermann Parzinger and several of his Russian and German co-workers and colleagues, many of whom have held lectures in Hamburg during March and April at the MKG, the book by Russian ethnologist and historian Sevyan Weinshtein, published by the German Alouette Verlag under the title “Geheimnisvolles Tuwa – Expeditionen in das Herz Asiens”, is exhibited in the museum’s show rooms as well. The Hamburg exhibition, which runs until May 25, is the very last chance to see this collection of ancient Eurasian cultural splendor from an exceptionally creative era of mankind. After this date, the exhibited items will return to their original museums in the aforementioned areas and countries. The exhibits from Tuva will return to the meanwhile substantially enlarged museum in Kyzyl, where visitors from around the world will be welcomed.

Jurgen Boden
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