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«    April 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in Hungary

Tuvan treasures of the Scythian era to be shown in HungaryIn May of 2012, there will be an exhibition of the unique finds from the Scythian era burial, found in Tuva in 2001 by archeological expedition of the Hermitage, at the National Museum of Hungary. The exhibition in Budapest will be open for three months. As ITAR-TASS informed, the agreement about exhibiting the Scythian gold from Center of Asia in Budapest was concluded by the Honorary Director of the Hungarian National Museum Fodor Istvan and the General Director Laszlo Csorba. Work has started in Kyzyl to prepare this export exhibition. Only a small proportion of the objects found in Tuvan kurgan Arzhaan-2 will be taken to Hungary. The Hungarians will see objects found in  Tuvan kurgan Arzhaan-2 - jewellery artifacts, chains and pendants made in the Scythian animal style, coins, dishes, weapons, knives, quiver for arrows and other belongings of the royal personages who lived in the 5th century before our era.

As became known, the leading expert in precious metals from East-Siberian State of  Assay Supervision inspectorate, Sergei Meshcheryakov has spent some days in Kyzyl recently. He spent two weeks testing the artifacts from Arzhaan-2.

According to him, the technology of manufacture of the gold objects from this Scythian kurgan is astonishing in its complexity and in the unique methods of production, many of which are irretrievably lost.

Remember that the collection of gold objects from the Scythian kurgan "Arzhaan-2" in the Valley of Tzars in Pii-Khem  kozhuun of Tuva, after restoration at the laboratories of the Hermitage was returned to Tuva in 2008. The head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool insisted on it.

An army of tourists counting in thousands, on visiting Tuva try to first of all see the exhibition "Scythian Gold" at the National Museum of the republic.

"Izvestiya" newspaper, translated by Heda Jindrak
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