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«    September 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Exhibition of Unique Finds from Scythian Burial Mounds to Open in Germany in July 2007

Finds from Arzhaan-2. Tuva An exhibition of unique finds from Scythian burial mounds is to open in Berlin on July 6, 2007, Dr Manfred Nawroth from the Museum of Pre and Early history reported to Tuva-Online.


'Under the Sign of the Golden Griffin-The Royal Tombs of the Scythians' is a title of an exposition initiated by the German Archaeological Institute, the Museum of Pre and Early History of the State Museums in Berlin, and the Foundation of Prussian Cultural Heritage.

Their co-partners in the implementation of this large project are the Exhibition Hall of the Hypo Foundation for Culture in Munich and the Museum for Arts in Hamburg.

This first-ever exhibition, “Under the Sign of the Golden Griffin-The Royal Tombs of the Scythians”, will show to the public at large a rich legacy of ancient horsemen in all their diversity, presenting their history and their culture, all the way from their early ranges along the Yenisei River up to the very doorstep of Central Europe. A spotlight is turned on the far-ranging relationship which existed between Asia and Europe long before the famous Silk Road ever came into realization. The centerpieces of the exhibition include not only the most famous of the lavishly furnished princely tombs from different regions, but also the fascinating discoveries of recent years.

Catalogue on an exhibition of Archaan-2 finds in Hermitage. Saint-Petersbourg Unique finds from a burial mound excavated in Arzhaan, in the “Valley of the Kings” (Pii-Khem district, Tuva), close to the border between Russia and Mongolia, will be on show. Its rich content, including thousands of golden objects, is rated as one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of recent years. The find may actually be compared in importance with the tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt.

In addition to presenting the archaeological remains of the Scythians, the exhibition also takes a close look at modern excavating techniques, and at recent findings of natural sciences and anthropology. These fields increasingly contribute sensational insights, reconstructing the fascinating architecture of the tombs, the natural surroundings of the steppe nomads, or researching questions of nutrition, kinship and disease among the Scythians.

The exhibition is organized in cooperation with many countries: Hungary, Iran, Kazakhstan, Romania, various parts of Russia and the Ukraine.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue of 320 pages, featuring articles by renowned scientists from all the participating countries plus high-quality photographs and illustrations which extensively cover the subject of the exhibition.

Dates and places of the exhibition have been already set:

July 6, 2007 – October 1, 2007 - Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau;

October 26, 2007 – January 27, 2008 - Munich, Exhibition Hall of the Hypo Foundation for Culture;

February 15, 2008 – May 25, 2008 - Hamburg, Museum for Art.

Dina Oyun
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