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German scientist will give a lecture about the kurgan "Arzhaan-2" finds (Tuva) in Tbilisi (Tiflis)

German scientist will give a lecture about the  kurgan "Arzhaan-2" finds (Tuva) in Tbilisi (Tiflis)The president of the foundation "Prussian Cultural heritage" Hermann Parzinger will give a lecture today at the National Museum of Georgia (Gruzia) about the archeological research in Siberia, as announced by "Novosti-Gruzia" and the press-service of the museum on Wednesday.

The theme of this public lecture is "The latest archeological research in Siberian steppes - royal burial Arzhaan" is the study of  the earliest known kurgan containing an "elite" burial of Early Scythian period.

The German professor led the archeological excavations in the Russian republic Tuva, in South Siberia, which were performed in the Valley of Czars, where  rich Scythian burials were discovered.

Hermann Parzinger has been the head of the foundation since 2008, as well as the State Museums of Berlin, State Library,  Secret State Archive of Prussian cultural heritage, Ibero-American institute and State institute of Musical research.

The lecture will take place as part of the project "Institutional development  of the National Museum of Gruzia", and will have synchronous translation into English.

Translated by Heda Jindrak
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