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«    August 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Drum of the World is going from Tuva to Khakassia

The drum that is traveling around the world will come to Khakassia from Tuva.

The opening of the international event “Drum of the World” (World Drum”) will take place on August 9 in Abakan in the area of the S.P. Kadyshev Center of Culture and National Creativity.

Then the drum, accompanied by a group of shamans, will travel around the villages of the republic. The international project “World Drum” was invented in 2006 by a Norwegian Birger Mikkelsen, who “sent” the symbolic drum of the Scandinavian Sami around the planet with the motto “Stop the War between People and Nature”. The main goal of this project is international co-operation in the name of protecting nature, water and raw material resources, and respectful behavior towards Mother Earth.

The action “World Drum” was based on the ritual of ancient sages, according to which the new drum is passed from person to person for the purpose of accumulating energy, good wishes and hopes. The drum can then transmit this energy to those who listen to its sound. The action “World Drum” traveled through towns and villages of Tuva, where it helped to bring back the lost traditions of respectful behavior of people towards their natural environment. From August 9 to 15, 2009, the action “World Drum” will take place in Republic Khakassia.

xacas.info, translated by Heda Jindrak
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