Kara-ool Dopchun-ool shamanizing. The one who speaks with the spirits believes that the main problem of humanity is lack of spirituality.
Photo by Yevgeniy Antufyev. |
The shamanic organization “Adyg Eeren” (Bear Spirit) participates in the internacional project “Drum of the World”, founded in 2006 in Norway by Birger Mikkelson.
The author of the project set up an ideal goal – healing of the Earth. He believes that there is just one hope for humanity: to return to life in harmony with nature.
And to make that happen, everybody has to change inwardly, instead trying to change others. “ All lives are interconnected one with another by indelible ties”, is one of the main themes of the project.
“Adyg Eeren”, based in Kyzyl, submitted an application to participate in this project and was accepted.
The Drum of the World will come to republic Tuva in May 2009 and will stay until July. As the head of the organization “Adyg Eeren”, Kara-ool Dopchun-ool, announced, the members of the organization are planning to start by preliminary preparatory work among the population. Kara-ool Dopchun-ool is a native of Kara-Bulun in Ulug-Khem kozhuun, where his grandmother, Ulug-Kara-Kham, was a famous shamaness in the last century.
The shamans received a symbolic drum, and are organizing a major ceremony over the entire territory of the republic, with sanctification of holy places.
“We have great hopes that this action will help to some extent bring back the lost traditions of the nation that concern behavior towards surrounding milieu, society, and other individuals, - explains Kara-ool Dopchun-ool. – today, according to observations of our shamans, a dangerous tendency towards lack of spirituality is growing in Tuva, because the traditions and customs of the ancestors are being lost.
The majority of people are under the influence of greed and profit; they become victims of persons or groups, which strive only to get more and more money and power, controlling the natural resources and the nation.
The essence of the problem is to preserve the lives of our and of future generations.
We have to preserve the future life on Mother Earth, not disrupting Nature but living in harmony with it and with all other people on the planet.”
While the shamans in Tuva are awaiting the Drum of the World, an extremely successful exhibition “Shamans of Siberia – Magicians, Intermediaries, Healers.” is in progress in Germany.
As Tuva-Online” reports, the exhibition, which opened on December 13 in Stuttgart, in Linden-Museum, includes more than 200 unique exhibits, significant proportion of which consists of attributes of Tuvan shamans. A multimedia exhibit shows shamanic séances.
A beautiful part of the exhibition is the Tuvan musical group “Tyva Khorzhum”, with famous musicians Choduraa Tumat, Kara-Kat Soyan, and Otkun Dostai.
Whole families come to visit the exhibition, school excursions, and groups, and especially large numbers of visitors showed up over the Christmas holidays.
The organisers of the exhibition believe that the immense success of the exhibition is in part due to the financial crisis: Shamans are especially useful in difficult times.