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«    October 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Famous artistic team of Tuva prepared a new concert program for its 40th Anniversary

These days, the State National Ensemble of Song and Dance, “Sayany”, - one of the best known groups of the republic – celebrates its 40th anniversary of its founding. The anniversary celebrations start on October 21 in Tuvan State Philharmony with the new program “In the Cradle of Sayans and Tandy”.

“An immense amount of work was done by the artists as well as the administration of the Philharmony, - said the director of the ensemble, merited artist of Russian federation and Republic Tyva Nadezhda Darzhaa. – in the two parts of our anniversary concert, about 60 artists will participate, most of which are youth, since this is “The Year of the Youth”.

In her words, the entire ensemble is in a very high level of creative development such as has not been observed in years. New costumes were sewn especially for this production, shoes, new musical instruments were obtained, and even new stage props and other things.

The audience of the anniversary concerts, which by the way are already sold out, can expect many surprises, including an unusual scenic structure – a special new balcony has been built for the musicians of the national orchestra.

Tuvan State ensemble of song and dance “Sayany” (originally “Chechek”) was founded in 1969. Namely on the basis of “Chechek”, whose name was later changed to “Sayany”, was the Tuvan State Philharmony organized. Throughout this time, the team produced several programs which became more than just a collection of concert numbers. Many of them entered into the list of the classics of song and dance art of Tuva.

Tuvan artists performed in Japan, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, France, Germany, USA, Italy, Switzerland, Cuba… The ensemble “Sayany” is a diplomate of All-Union and All-Russia festivals and contests (1978 and 1982), winner of the Silver and Bronze medals of the first Universal Delphic games in Moscow (2002), winner of Gold medal of “Dance and Music” in Dijon (2003, France).

The team has been entered into the book “The Best People of Tuva of the XX Century”.

The celebrants will perform their new concert program in Kyzyl until October 25, then they will go on a tour throughout the districts of the republic.

An exhibition is being shown at the national Museum, which presents speciments s that show the history of the founding and of the accomplishments of the famous ensemble. This exhibition will be on view until the end of this year.

Aleksandr Filatenko, translated by Heda Jindrak
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