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«    April 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Eleonora Huseinova: I will become an advocate of Tuvan throat-singing in UNESCO

“I will become an advocate of Tuvan throat-singing”, announced the permanent representative of Azerbaijan to UNESCO, Eleanora Huseinova with rapture at the UNESCO headquarters after the concert. According to her, UNESCO should include Tuvan throat-singing in the list of non-material cultural heritages of humanity.

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Oyumaa Dongak, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kamby-Lama’s Pandido institute is returning to Tuva

It was announced that a new centralized religious organization – General Buddhist Assembly, is being founded. This decision was made at the Founding Assembly, which took place at the Upper Chadan Buddhist complex “Ustuu-Khuree”. Representatives of leading local Buddhist organizations, monks and scholars – the followers of the former Kamby-Lama of the republic, Dzhambel Lodoy, who are in favor of the re-establishment of Kamby-Lama’s Pandido institute in Tuva, which existed during the times of Russian protectorate in Tuva.

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Aleksandr Filatenko, translated by Heda Jindrak

Festival of live music and faith “Ustuu-Khuree” will take place on July 5 – 8

The organizing committee of the international benefit festival of live music and faith, “Ustuu-Khuree”, decided on the dates for the event as July 5 – 8. As “FederalPress” was told by the leader of the committee, the director of the Tuvan State Philharmony Igor Dulush, currently the matter of guests for the festival is being evaluated. Boris Grebenshchikov and the members of “Akvarium” group could be among them.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Photo-project about Tuvans-Todzhans on exhibition in Moscow

As part of the “Treasures of the North. Northern Civilization – 2010”, fair, which is currently taking place at the All-Russia Expo Center in Moscow, an original photographic project by Mikhail Genis and Anastasia Veshchikova “Evaporating Worlds”, about the life of reindeer herders – Tuvans-Todzhans (Tuva), and Baunt Evenks (Buryatia), will be presented on April 15 – 19.

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Krasnoyarskie novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak

An exhibition “Call of the Drums” will open at the National Museum of Tuva

The remote sound of the shaman’s drum, which carries the agent of the spirits into other worlds, attracts more and more of those who are searching for the mysteries of the universe. Many scholars, scientists, ethnographers, graduate students and schoolchildren come to study shamanism in Tuva as one of the world’s main religions, following the “call of the drums.”

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Mariya Mongush,, translated by Heda Jindrak

From Tuva – to the Front. My Grandfather’s Story

As part of the special project “My Victory”, the “Center of Asia” journal started publishing old photographs from the war years, as well as our compatriots’ memoirs from those brutal years. This is a letter from Aziana Khomushku about her grandfather.

Roman Serenmayevich Khunai-ool was my maternal grandfather. He was the first and only person of the Chaa-khol sumon of the 1934-1936 years, who became a teacher in the years of the Great Patriotic War – at the age of 16 years.

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Aziana Khomushku, “Center of Asia”, translated by Heda Jindrak

The most famous of Tuvan shamans turns eighty-five

Today, one of the first novelists of Tuva, doctor of historical sciences, the most famous among the researchers of shamanism, Mongush Kenin-Lopsan, turned 85.

Head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, offered birthday greetings to the shamanologist who is known in the whole world. On April 16, there will be a celebration in his honor at the National Museum, where he has been working for many decades. The 1952 Graduate of the Eastern Department of the LGU is not famous only in Tuva.

  • 100, translated by Heda Jindrak

Three of the Treasures of Tuva included among the ten most unique places in Siberia

Valley of Volcanoes at the border between Tuva and Buryatia, city Kyzyl and nature preserve “Azas”, are considered by Siberians to be some of the ten noteworthy places in Siberia most attractive to tourists.

More than 40 thousand Siberians picked them during internet-voting at the portal. It is the first time for such internet –voting in Siberia, as the originators of the action pointed out.

  • 80, translated by Heda Jindrak

Mongolia and China agreed to coordinate when submitting reports to UNESCO about objects of cultural heritage

Mongolian delegation headed by the minister of education, E. Otgonbayar held discussions with China about the questions of cultural heritage and concluded an agreement. According to the signed document, now, in a case of submitting an application about entering a cultural heritage into the UNESCO list, both sides are expected to discuss it and come to an agreement, using flexibility and showing respect to one another’s spiritual and cultural heritage.

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Info from Montsame News Agency translated by Hed Jindrak
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