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«    April 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Photo-project about Tuvans-Todzhans on exhibition in Moscow

As part of the “Treasures of the North. Northern Civilization – 2010”, fair, which is currently taking place at the All-Russia Expo Center in Moscow, an original photographic project by Mikhail Genis and Anastasia Veshchikova “Evaporating Worlds”, about the life of reindeer herders – Tuvans-Todzhans (Tuva), and Baunt Evenks (Buryatia), will be presented on April 15 – 19.

The camps, where the author hunted for the delicate and fragile bond between the reindeer and human, are located in the folds of the Eastern Sayan and Ikat Ridge mountains. Todzha is in the northeast part of Tuva, where the source of Yenisei is. Baunt is the northeast part of Buryatia, where Vitim is born. This is where the mountain tundra, endless taiga, rivers, streams and lakes which are as yet unnamed, are. It is impossible for a human to survive in these places without a reindeer; only on a reindeer can one get through the highland marshes and slippery slopes. Without reindeer, there is no way for people to live there.

The exposition is organized by the national photobank “GeoFoto” and team “Kochevaya shkola” (Nomad school).

Krasnoyarskie novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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