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«    June 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan reindeer females at Abakan Zoo have young

Earlier this year, four  Todzha reindeer went to take up permanent residence at the Abakan Zoo. "Tuvinskaya Pravda" wrote about it at the time.

The administration of the zoo bought the reindeer of Tuvan-Tofalar breed in the remote Chazylar settlement of Todzha district, in a private reindeer farm of Svetlana Demkina. And then we heard the good news.  The  "vazhenkas" (reindeer does) had offspring.

Last week, the former owner of the reindeer, Svetlana Demkina made a special trip to the zoo to visit with her pets and to meet their young. The reindeer from Todzha are practically domestic, and they are very attached to their owners. It is not surprising that when Svetlana Demkina approached the enclosure, the reindeer recognized her. She related in an interview  for "Novyi Vek" TV channel, that the three does and one bull feel quite at ease in their  new surroundings, even though it is a little bit too warm for them, who are from the North. Reindeer from other regions also live at the zoo next to them, so that "ours" do not feel like they are in completely foreign environment. The moss that they live on normally in the tundra of Todzha, of course, is not available, but the animals are getting special combination food. There are veterinaries watching over them, and the zoo staff  offers them salt at regular intervals. The administration of Abakan zoo is interested in preserving and breeding reindeer; after all, the animals then can be sold or exchanged with other zoos of our country.

Tuvapravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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