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«    May 2010    »
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Memorial complex to the soldiers of Great Patriotic War opened in Tuva

altOn May 9, an opening celebration of a new memorial complex dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War took place in Tuva. Currently, the memorial consists of a composition of 5 granite stelae with engraved names of 3256 soldiers who went to fight fascism from People’s Republic of Tuva, which was then an independent state. It includes the four Heroes of the Soviet Union – Mikhail Bukhtuyev, Khomushku Churgui-ool, Nikolai Makarenko, and Tulush Kechil-ool.

altThe ceremony of bringing wreaths and flowers to the monument started at 9 AM. Many people gathered for the opening. Many of them could not hold back their tears, searching the list for the names of their fathers and grandfathers.

“The greatest reward for our front-line soldiers will be the comprehension that the present and future generations of Russians will be worthy of the heroic deed of the Victorious Nation; that our young people know and remember the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. This should not be just abstract knowledge and mandatory activities to check off, but concrete, practical work with the front-line veterans, and research in the archival documents, - emphasized the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool in his speech. – There are still too many altblank areas in the knowledge about Tuva’s contribution to the common victory. How did Tuvan pilots fight in Japan? How did the fighters of the cavalry squadron do in Manchuria? Where are they buried? Who takes care of their graves? How did the rest of the lives of the 3256 front-line soldiers work out? Nobody should remain forgotten. A tremendous amount of painstaking labor lies before us. We have to establish consistent correspondence with the regions where our countrymen lie buried. That means in Belorussia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and also Manchuria. This is the real necessary international upbringing that we are always talking about. It is also important to put into order the existing 72 monuments, and to raise new memorials to make the names of our compatriots eternal. We have to be right next to the veterans, writing down their living memories, all the details, thoughts and emotions of very young people who were at the front lines. This is the essence of true patriotism, real love for one’s native country.”

There are blank stelae in the new memorial, reserved for a supplementary list of names which is being generated. This is because during the years of People’s Republic of Tuva, there was no systematic draft office and paper documentation was sparse and incomplete.

altA foundation of a tree-lined avenue of memory at the memorial complex was begun on the eve of the Day of Victory. The first trees were planted by the veterans Pavel Dmitrievich Shvedov and Georgiy Arefyevich Maslov, the head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, vice-chairman of the government of Tuva, Anatolii Damba-Khuurak, Artur Mongal, the leaders of Kyzyl city government, and members of the contracting company which has built the memorial complex.

Sholban Kara-ool and veteran Pavel Shvedov talked about the work – what is necessary to accomplish in the republic so as to keep the memory of the Heroes of the Victory uninterrupted.

“Let there be peace!” – was the main wish of the veteran and the head of the republic.

Today, thousands of Kyzyl residents and visitors of the Tuvan capital came to see the restored memorial, and each one of them – whether aloud or in thoughts, uttered these same words.

altAfter the ceremonial opening of the memorial complex, a holiday parade-concert “March of Victory!” took place in the center of Kyzyl, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. There was a parade-contest for the schoolchildren, too.

As is traditional, a republican championship of “Khuresh” wrestling was held in Kyzyl, and the night sky over the capital was lit up by hundreds of fires in a holiday salute.

Dina Oyun, photos by author, gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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