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«    August 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

50-year jubileum of musical mega-star of Tuva - Kaigal-ool Khovalyg

50-year jubileum of musical mega-star of Tuva  -  Kaigal-ool KhovalygToday, National khoomeizhi of Tuva, one of the founders of world-famous group “Huun-Huur-Tu”, Kaigal-ool Khovalyg, turns 50. Only superlatives can do justice to his characterization. Talented singer, unique musician, wise friend, a wonderful family man, he is well known in many countries of the world, and of his admirers and friends there are literally legions. But the most important aspect is thatr he truly is a national singer. In every nation, singers such as him can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Listening to them, old men and children cry; grown women and young girls sigh; rulers admit the power the singer has over them, and even the strongest ones tremble…

We, of course, are not living in the time of the epics. But all of us – Tuvans – are a lucky nation in that we have our own Voice. Deeply lyrical, spiritual, full of love4 and care, Kaigal-ool Khovalyg knows how to show his love for his native Tuva, for a fast horse, for the golden steppe for his beloved people and for the song itself like no one else.

That is what the ethnomusicologist, doctor of sciences, Valentina Suzukei wrote, calling the singer a mega-star of of the musical sky-scape of Tuva, “the art of Kaigal-ool Khovalyg is the mirror reflecting the entire palette of colors, the depth, riches and wisdom of Tuvan traditional musical culture”. The scholar dedicated an article to him in the most recent edition of our journal, New Research of Tuva.

Editorial staff of tuva.asia, translated by Heda Jindrak
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