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» Posts of 23.09.2010
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«    September 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

A resident of Khakassia rode a horse to Tuva to learn the secrets of the horse herders

A resident of Khakassia rode a horse to Tuva to learn the secrets of the horse herdersViktor Tolstikhin took six days to get to his goal. And he gave the Bai-Taiga residents quite a surprise: he got there over the Sayans all alone, on a horse. Viktor is 38 years old, lives in Khakassia, and breeds horses. Three years ago, he started his farm in Abaza. He has been drawn to the taiga since childhood. He says that those are his father’s genes at work – he was and Evenk. His mother is Russian, from the Urals. On August 23, his wife and friends saw him off and to the last moment they  tried to talk him out of this trip, warning him about dangers that he could run into on the road, and told him scary tales about “wild” Tuvans who could attack him at any moment.
  • 80
Anai-Khaak Oorzhak, “Tuvinskaya Pravda”, translated by Heda Jindrak
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