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«    September 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

English version of Tuva.Asia is available

English version of Tuva.Asia is available Dear Friends, The Editorial Board of the electronic journal The New Research of Tuva welcomes you to the journal’s English-language website. The New Research of Tuva presents the current state of Tuvan studies — a branch of the humanities that investigates the history and culture of the Republic of Tuva (Russia). Our contributors are among the most widely recognized specialists in the field of Tuvan studies, both in Russia and abroad. The website came on-line in July 2009, and the first issue of the journal appeared at that time as well.
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Brian Donahoe, member of the editorial board of Tuva.Asia

TUVA: Nomadic or agricultural?

The territory of today’s Tuva has survived many bright historical epochs, many changes of civilizations. In the present day traditional understanding, Tuva is a country of nomads. However, it has not always been inhabited by nomadic tribes. A long time ago, a settled, and by all appearances quite well developed civilization thrived here. This civilization left an inheritance to the descendants – a grandiose system of irrigation canals, which covers the entire Tuva with the network of its veins. Millennia ago, people who lived here were settled agriculturalists.  The scale of the work and the skill with which these canals were constructed inspired Tuvan geologist Tatiana Prudnikova to undertake the study of this magnificent phenomenon.
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Viktoriya Kondrashova, Tuvinskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak

Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk flights now run daily and are more comfortable

Kyzyl-Krasnoyarsk flights now run daily and are more comfortableStarting today, Krasnoyarsk and Kyzyl are now connected by daily flights, except on Sundays. Today,  Premier of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, returning from a business trip to Moscow, together with the general director of the transport company, Yevgenii Andrachnikov, were among the first passengers of the new Krasnoyarsk-Kyzyl flight route, performed by the company “Dexter” with an 8-passenger Swiss PilatusPC-12.  Along with them, five more residents of Kyzyl used the new services. They were completely satisfied with the price of  5750 rubles (in comparison, “NovosibirskAvia” charges 6500 rubles for the same route), and with the comfortable conditions of the flight.
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Info from gov.tuva.ru translated by Heda Jindrak

Nadia Rusheva’s drawings are going to Omsk

Nadia Rusheva’s  drawings are going to OmskThe exhibition “The World of Art in the Drawings of Nadia Rusheva” from the collect ion of National Museum of Tuva  is going to Omsk. In the first days of September, it will be shown at the State regional museum “Liberov-Centr”.

This exhibition of the drawings of the young genius-artist explores several of  Nadia Rusheva’s favorite themes. This exhibition includes 68 original works from such famous series as “Early drawings”, “Ballet, Dances”, “Tales and Fantasies”,  “Ancient World”, and ”Heroes of Literature”, which are executed in various techniques and materials. The artist’s graphics illustrate her astonishing gift – to draw from imagination.

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Alexander Khertek, tuvpravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak

Spiritual homage from Leningrad

M.B.Kenin-Lopsan's portrait by V.S.SamiyM.B.Kenin-Lopsan's portrait by V.S.Samiy“God of fire, give us happiness, please, fire, give us happiness and prosperity in the yurt…” – the rhythmically bewitching voice of a St. Petersburg actress sounds throughout the conference auditorium of the National Museum. On the screen is a photograph of the shamaness in ecstasy of the “kamlanie”. When on the background of the sound of her drumming, an image of Tuvan steppe materializes through the flames of the fire, it seem that you, the spectator, are also departing on a journey about which the intermediary is chanting:  We will swim over the river that is forbidden to cross, we will force the pass which it is forbidden to ascend”. This is the first time that the algyshes of Tuvan shamans sound in Russian language in this hall. The first time that a photograph, thanks to elegant montage is transformed into a video film, which starts with the text: “In our huge Russia, there is an extremely mysterious and beautiful country. Its mighty mountain ridges with eternal snow touch the heavens. Between the ice and the deserts tower the mountains, covered in virginal forests.”
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Natalia Bogdanovskaya. Tuvinskaya Pravda. Translated by Heda Jindrak

An Ode to Felt

An Ode to FeltOn the day of the Republic, August 15 in the morning, in the hall of the National Museum of RT, a “round table” conference “Tradition and today in the artistic use of felt” took place. It was a meeting of enthusiastic people; who came not just from Tuva, but also from various regions of Russia.  They were all united by by love of this amazing material which came to the 21st century from the depths of history. If you ask an average young city dweller what objects made of felt he can think of, expect a short answer – felt boots and house slippers, and that only in the best case. But this undeservedly almost forgotten woolen material is now coming out of the shadow of oblivion,  and is becoming again attractive to artists, artisans and craftsmen.
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Marina Kenin-Lopsan, Tuvinskaya Pravda, tuva.asia, translated by Heda Jindrak
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