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«    December 2010    »
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The famous cabin of the legendary scholar of Tuvan shamanism transferred into his private ownership

The famous cabin of the legendary  scholar of  Tuvan shamanism  transferred into his private ownershipThe wooden cabin, which has been already for many years the headquarters of the chief scholar of Tuvan shamanism, Mongush Borakhovich Kenin-Lopsan, was transferred into his private ownership. This decision was announced yesterday at the presentation of the second, expanded edition of the novel-essay “Buyan-Badyrgy”, dedicated to the memory of the prominent statesman of Tuva, by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool. “It is not for me. It is for history, for posterity, - Mongush  Borakhovich did not hide his pleasure. The writer is happy that the book about one of the founders of Tuvan State received a new life.

Born in 1892 in the family of a poor arat, Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy was adopted by the head of Daa-Kozhuun and became his heir. A man highly educated for his time and place, he early became involved in political activity. Buyan-Badyrgy played a prominent role in the adoption of Russian protectorate by his people, and in the declaration of  a sovereign Tuvan state. In 1932 he was shot as a victim of political repressions.

The combination of scholarliness and accessibility of the material, illustrated by numerous photographic documents, make the book captivating and educational for a wide circle of readers.

The second edition of the novel-essay is expanded by the proclamations by the Chairman of the Government of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool about the rehabilitation of M. Buyan-Badyrgy and about making the memory of the government activists of TNR, who have become the victims of political repressions of 1920-1930’s eternal; it is also expanded by the memoirs of the descendants of the founder of  sovereign Tuvan state.

“Things happened in such a way that during the period of political rehabilitations, namely Buyan-Badyrgy was beyond its limits. Only in 2007 Buyan-Badyrgy was rehabilitated by one of the first proclamations of the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, -  says one of Buyan-Badyrgy’s descendants,  Vladimir Kara-Mongush.

The Premier especially emphasized the civil bravery of the writer, who started collecting the materials for the book about the “enemy of the people” already during the Soviet era, without knowing whether the book would ever be published.

The new edition  is being published with the support of the Mayor’s office of Kyzyl, as well as the relatives and friends of the statesman.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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