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«    April 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Kenin-Lopsan: the founder of Tuvan state Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own monument

Kenin-Lopsan: the founder of Tuvan state Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own monumentThe founder of Tuvan State Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy should have his own personal monument. In 2011, as Tuva celebrates the 90th Anniversary of  the founding of Tuvan people's Republic, the monument to our former ruler should be erected at a  prominent place in the capital. That is what one of the most respected elders of the republic, Doctor of Historical sciences,  investigator of shamanism Mongush Kenin-Lopsan  reported to the Premier Sholban Kara-ool.

The meting of the Premier with the aksakal (elder) took place on  10 April at his working "cabin", which is located in the center of the town. Sholban Kara-ool brought birthday greetings  to Mongush Borakhovich and a present - an engraving with an image of a bear, which personifies a symbol of power and authority in shamanism.  The aksakal was celebrating his 86th birthday.  The head of the republic wished the scholar, first of all, health, and remarked that for the people of Tuva he is an authoritative mentor, a wise teacher, interesting to speak with,  and the chief keeper of spiritual and material values.

"Before you, as before the leader of the republic, there are great tasks, told Mongush Borakhovich to the premier.  - "The republic will reach international level with the building of the railroad for transportation of Tuvan coal.  The priceless Scythian gold, which you succeeded in returning to the republic from Sankt-Peterburg will make Tuva famous throughout the world. If you expend effort in the preservation and development of our native language, the people will blossom.  Literate  Tuva language is unusually beautiful, and it needs to be promoted in the community. As far as sport is concerned, young men who have a natural wrestling talent will always be our pride. Soon great champions will appear."
Mongush Borakhovich remarked on the necessity of holding various large-scale contests and festivals,  aimed at the development of the original Tuvan culture. Also, in his opinion, the Tuvan capital should preserve its old appearance for  the sake of history - let the new building be done in the new territories of the city. The elder had his say about the raising of the monument to the founder of  Tuvan statehood, Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy.

"You are the first leader who had the courage to rehabilitate the repressed Mongush Buyan-Badyrgy and other politicians of the TNR  era, who met the same fate. In this anniversary year,, you initiated the raising of a monument to the founder of Tuvan statehood, - remarked Mongush Kenin-Lopsan. -  It is the correct decision. The monument to the head of the Tuvan state should stand in Kyzyl in front of the National Museum building, and it should be personal, without joining with the Soviet functionary Innokentiy Safianov, as some colleagues-historians  propose.

The merits of Innokentiy Safianov in the feat of  founding the Tuvan state, undoubtedly, are great.  He is an iconic personality for Tuva. He also should have a monument in the Kochetovo village, where the historical events of 1921 took place."

Info from the government press-service, translated by Heda Jindrak
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