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«    January 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Nadia Rusheva's Exhibition in Moscow, at the Culture Center "Na Patriarshikh prudakh"

From January 27 to February 13 2011, at the Cultural center "Dom na Patriarshikh" there will be an exhibition of Nadia Rusheva's works "Pearls of Nadia Rusheva's graphics". During this exhibition, three artistic meets with a historian, poet and publicist V. G. Shchepkin are planned.

Nadia Rusheva was born on January 31 1952 in Ulan-Bator. Her father - Nikolai Konstantinovich Rushev -  worked in Mongolia as an artist - theatre instructor and pedagogue at an art school. Her mother - Natalia Daidalovna Azhikmaa - worked in Mongolia as a pedagogue - ballet instructor, and danced solos at concerts. She was one of the first ballerinas of Tuva.

Nadia started drawing at the age of five years, just like all ordinary children. At seven, she sketched a little album of 36 interesting illustrations to Pushkin's "Tale of King Saltan". She had done this in one sitting, while her father was resting on the sofa after work, slowly and expressively reading her favorite story to her.

She drew lightly, playfully, as if she was  just drawing in pictures visible only to herself.

Having lived just slightly over 17 years, Nadia  left immense spiritual riches as her heritage - more than 10 000 drawings. The final number will never be known - a significant proportion of her drawings were scattered in letters, hundreds were given by the young artist by her friends and acquaintances, and not a few works never made it back fro her early exhibitions for various reasons. She drew mostly in black and in ink, and mastered the techniques of linear graphic almost to perfection.

"Her drawings go way beyond the limits of children's art, and even among mature artists there are hardly any who can compete with the lightness of her technique, feeling for composition, clarity of her pictures, and with her artistic vision of the world", as Vasiliy Alexeyevich Vatagin, a sculptor, said about Nadia Rusheva.

The spectrum of her creativity was incredibly wide. The names of her thematic series such as "Hellas", "Cosmos",  "Memories of Warszawa", "The East", and many, many others bear witness to that.

Nadia created the illustrations to the works of 50 authors, among them Shakespeare, Rabelais, Byron, Dickens,  Hugo, Mark Twain, Gogol, Lermontov, Bulgakov, and her deeply loved Pushkin.

Nadia Rusheva's Pushkiniada - those are not just illustrations to the works, it also encompasses the poet's entire life, his friends and family.

Nadia Rusheva's last drawings  are 200 graphic works for M.A. Bulgakov's "Master and Margarita".

On a gloomy March morning of 1969, the life of 17-year-old Nadia Rusheva abruptly ended, her life filled with rainbows of hopes and dreams. Her life ended on an ascent. After finishing school she was preparing to enter the VGIK; she was hoping to became an animator. But she keeps on living in thousands of her drawings.

Details about the exhibition: Telephone +7(495)691-34-10, or web-site, translated by Heda Jindrak
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