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«    March 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

The main researcher of khoomei, ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgys receives birthday greetings

The main researcher of khoomei, ethnomusicologist Zoya Kyrgys receives birthday greetingsToday,  Doctor of culturology, one of the chief researchers of the unique art of throat-singing, Zoya Kyrgysovna Kyrgys, is receiving birthday greetings. The founder and permanent head of the International  scientific Center "Khoomei", she dedicated the major part of her life to the study of Tuvan throat-singing.  Her monograph "Tuvan throat-singing" is also dedicated to this vocal phenomenon of Central Asian nomads; it is the final result of  25years of work, many field expeditions, as well as experiments in laboratories of Moscow, Sankt-Peterburg, and New York.

In this book, the author  presents a structural classification of throat-singing, areas of distribution, and, for the first time, the actual process of sound production in khoomei singing.

In the opinion of the scientist, it is precisely the technique of sound-production that differentiates Tuvan khoomei from other types of throat-singing.   In the author's opinion, Tuvan performers do not limit themselves to the use of oral cavity and larynx, as is often the case in two-tone singing of other peoples, but they sing with emphasis on the chest; their thorax functions as a sound resonator.

It is a type of corporal music, where the body actually functions as a musical instrument. In her work, the Tuvan musicologist introduces a new term "khorekteer" (to sing with the chest-Tuv.) to designate the Tuvan form of throat-singing, which has not found wide support.

Zoya Kyrgys is a Merited worker of arts of Russian Federation.

translated by Heda Jindrak
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