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«    March 2011    »
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Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singing

Medvedev will invite Obama to listen to Tuvan throat-singingRussian president Dmitri Medvedev intends to invite  president of  the USA Barack Obama to listen to world-famous Tuvan throat-singing. That is a promise that the head of the government made to a Tuvan musician during his conference with culture workers in Moscow.

Kongar-ool Ondar complained to Medvedev that China and Mongolia often say that throat-singing is an ancient art of their nomads. "But after all, it is our way of singing, we have the patent," - said the musician.

As ITAR-TASS notes, to confirm his words, he sang a Tuvan folk song in a technique "khorekteer"  for the head of the country.  "Don't worry, we won't give up the patent,  - Medvedev calmed the musician. If necessary, we will fight for it."

After his performance,  Kongar-ool Ondar remarked that his colleagues  were very  offended when  the USA ex-president George Bush, during his visit to Mongolia "he liked two things - which have always been ours -  throat-singing and milk vodka".

"I can't promise you anything as far as Bush is concerned, but I can try to get Obama to listen",  the president said to that.

Vesti.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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