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«    May 2011    »
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Head of Tuva received a karate black belt

Head of Tuva received a karate black beltPremier of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool received the highest regalia of martial arts - black belt in karate. This honorary award and a certificate about obtaining the 1st Dan was presented to him by the founder of International organization of Karatedo "Marioshikai" Toshiatsu Sasaki and a triple champion of SSSR in karatedo, president of Novosibirsk sport-club "Uspekh" Veniamin Pak, who have come to Kyzyl on the invitation of Tuvan premier, and have conducted a technical seminar. The press-service of the republic informed ITAR-TASS of this today.

As Sasaki-san announced, the black belt was presented to the head of the republic in recognition of his contribution to the popularization and development of martial arts in the republic. The presentation ceremony took place in the presence of 4 thousand spectators at the 5-Years of Soviet Tuva Stadium, where demonstration performances of  visiting fighters from Novosibirsk karatedo club "Uspekh", masters of martial arts from China, as well as trainees of Tuvan schools of Eastern single combat arts and national wrestling khuresh also took place.

A co-operation agreement was signed  between ministry of youth affairs and sports of Tuva, and regional karate federation  and Novosibirsk karate federation, and representatives of Moscow Karatedo association, who arrived as members of the delegation. It envisions creating a specialized school of Eastern single combat arts in Kyzyl, with a boarding school for talented children from remote areas, exchange of experience between clubs, teaching seminars for trainers, participation in competitions, and organization of study-training teams for Tuvan athletes on the basis of Moscow and Novosibirsk clubs.

Sasaki-san, in addition to the black belt also presented a samurai sword to the head of Tuva as a personal present. Until now, Kara-ool had a brown belt in Kyokushin-karate , as well as  a title of Master of Sports of USSR in sando - one of the types of Chinese wushu.

Premier of Tuva thus became the second of heads of Russian regions whom the representatives of Japanese association of Eastern single combat arts rewarded by a honorary mark of the highest mastery.  Out of the country leaders, Premier of Russia Vladimir Putin and Head of Russian Audit Chamber Sergei  Stepashin have received a black belt in karate as a sign of recognition of personal contribution to the development of this kind of sport .

ITAR-TASS, translated by Heda Jindrak
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