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«    June 2011    »
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International Felt Festival in Tuva

International Felt Festival in TuvaIn Tuva, along with celebrations of the 90th anniversary of Tuvan Statehood, there will also be the International Felt Festival - felt is a cultic material for nomadic nations.

It will take place on 13-15 August in Kyzyl. This was announced today by the Ministry of Culture of Tuva, the organizer of the celebrations.

The entire festival will be designed around felt products and the ancient craft of their manufacture.

As part of the festival, there will be an exhibition-sale of yurts, a fair of products of folk home industries, workshops by Tuvan, Khakass, Altai and International Felt Festival in TuvaMongolian felt-makers, who kept the traditional methods of felt-making. There will also be a contest for the best felt product, the best presentation, and the best yurt.

Remember that the first International Felt Festival took place last year in Kyzyl. This event stimulated great interest by residents of the republic as an International Felt Festival in Tuvaopportunity to see and obtain felt products and souvenirs made in many different corners of Russia and Mongolia. As the Minister of Culture of the republic, Vyacheslav Dongak, believes, this exotic festival is organized with the goal of attracting tourists, who will be able to not just see with their own eyes the ancient craft, but can also try to learn it from A to Z with the help of the masters., photo by Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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