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« August 2011 » |
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30 August 2011 | Views: 3534 | Comments: 0 |
"Today I see your look is especially sad, and your arms are so slender, hugging your knees.
Listen: far, far away by Lake Chad, an elegant giraffe is wandering in the breeze."
There, to Africa, to Lake Chad, where Nikolai Gumilev's elegant giraffe is still wandering, is where Elisabeth Gordon wanted to go from Australia - to study musical traditions of Nigeria.
But she ended up on another continent: in Russia, in Tuva, where there are no African drums, but instead there is women's khoomei, the mystery of which bewitched the young Australian woman.
Nadia Antufieva, "Center of Asia" centerasia.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
16 August 2011 | Views: 3069 | Comments: 0 |
The first constitution of Republic Tannu-Tuva ulus (Uriangkhai nation), was adopted 90 years ago, on 15 August 1921. This article about that event is based on archival materials.
The Pan-Tuvan Founders' khural (Congress), which took place from 13 to 16 August 1921 in Sug-Bazhy near Russian village Atamanovka (now Kochetovo), two projects of the Foundation Law, similar in content and intent, were evaluated. On 14 August 1921, a third project was reviewed, concerning the Constitution of Tannu-Tuva ulus.
Tatiana Bondarenko, "Tuvinskaya Pravda" , translated by Heda Jindrak |
6 August 2011 | Views: 4701 | Comments: 0 |
The 2nd International Felt Festival "Patterns of Life", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Tuvan People's Republic will take place on 15 August on Arat square.
It will be possible to see and obtain felt products and souvenirs made in various corners of Russia and Mongolia. Master craftsmen from Republic Altai, Bashkortostan, Khakassia, as well as from many aimaks of Mongolia will participate in the festival. There will be an exhibition and sale of yurts, a fair of folk industries products, felt-making workshops by artisans who have preserved traditional methods, and competitions.
gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
5 August 2011 | Views: 2934 | Comments: 0 |
It is possible that this is the first time in Tuva that a poacher will be punished to the full extent of the law. The State Commission for Hunting and Fishing of RT submitted documentation to state prosecutor, concerning a resident of the republic, now a defendant, who broke the laws of nature protection.
The incident happened in march. Inspectors, together with the police, arrested a hunter, now a defendant, during a routine raid not far from a town where fans of illegal hunting often go : an open steppe, and the animal has nowhere to hide from the bullet.
tuvpravda.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak |
4 August 2011 | Views: 3289 | Comments: 0 |
We are presenting to the readers' attention some excerpts from Laws on marriage and family, which are kept in the Central State Archive of Republic Tyva.
Section I. About marriage.
Paragraph 1. Any woman and man can become man and wife according to their wish.
Note. Even though parents and relatives prepare the dowry and such, and organize the wedding celebrations, they should not go against the wishes of their children and should not use force towards them.
Materials from Central State Archive of Republic Tyva, translated by Heda Jindrak |
3 August 2011 | Views: 2857 | Comments: 0 |
Two golden domes now crown the orthodox church which is under construction in Tuva. On 1 August, the complicated task of installing the uppermost dome in place was performed. The top of the crest reaches the height of almost 50 meters. A special crane was obtained from Japan by OOO "Selstroi" with the help of Government of RT just for this purpose. Light and elegant in appearance, the 54-meter giant can lift loads 1.5 times heavier than itself. And it weighs 37.8 tons. It is fully equipped with electronics - one computer on the chassis, one on the arm, yet another in the cabin.
Info from press-service of government of RT, translated by Heda Jindrak |