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» » Orthodox church under construction in Tuva is now crowned by two golden domes
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«    August 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Orthodox church under construction in Tuva is now crowned by two golden domes

Two golden domes now crown the orthodox church which is under construction in Tuva. On 1 August, the complicated task of  installing the uppermost dome in place was performed. The top of the crest reaches the height of almost 50 meters. A special crane was obtained from Japan by OOO "Selstroi" with the help of Government of RT just for this purpose. Light and elegant in appearance, the 54-meter giant can lift loads 1.5 times heavier than itself. And it weighs 37.8 tons. It is fully equipped with electronics - one computer on the chassis, one on the arm, yet another in the cabin.

The dome and the cross were put in place with its help. A whole team of  construction specialists from Abakan worked on it. Various work continues right now.

'There is no direct government investment in the church construction, -minister of construction and modernization of residential-communal affairs, Vladimir Sat informed us.  We are helping indirectly by coordination and logistics, according to the order of premier Sholban Valerievich Kara-ool. The republic government contributed by attracting investors.   The bulk of the work is on the shoulders of contractor LLC "Selstroi", with Sergei Viktorovich Safrin as director. Everything is on schedule."

Remember that recently the construction of the Resurrection church in Kyzyl was supported by OAO RZhD.  For the construction of the Orthodox church in Tuva, 8 million rubles were allocated.

The building is unique for Tuva: the walls are 1.5 meters thick, and it is about 17 stories tall.  The main construction and the clean-up of the area should be finished by September. Interior work will continue. There are only two factories in Tuva which make church furnishings, and this is where everything was ordered. Beside that, the church walls still have to be painted - and that is a very complicated task.

Remember that the Holy Trinity church in Kyzyl, which was built in the 40's, today can't hold all the members of the Orthodox faith. The construction of the Resurrection church, which was started in 2002, froze in 2005.  It became possible only in 2009 to re-start the construction. The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool successfully solved the question of  technological connection of the church, which remained unresolved for 9 years. Seventy percent of the construction is now completed.

Info from press-service of government of RT, translated by Heda Jindrak
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