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«    January 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Census of animals and birds started in Tuva

Census of animals and birds started in TuvaOn January 1, a winter trail census of members of animal world began.

Animals and birds are subjected to this census who are parts of the hunting industry as well as those who are not. Teams of census workers numbering from 15 to 40 people have been formed in each district. Side by side with inspectors of the State Commission, staff from specially protected natural territories, OOO "Tuvresokhotrybolovoshchestvo", Todzha cooperative-industrial farm, and experienced amateur hunters have been recruited for this project.

Because of the huge area of hunting lands of Tuva, their remoteness and complex character of the locations, the workers will have to complete a large volume of work. On foot and on skis, they will have to follow trails marked in a taiga full of snow, in aggregate of about 5,505 kilometers, and map all the evidence of life that they see. Altogether 560 trails have been marked on the territory of the republic. Most of them are located in mountain-taiga Tuvan districts - Todzha has 151 and Kaa-Khem has 88.

The census of forest population should be finished by 20 February. The data will be sent to Moscow, to Tsentrokhotkontrol"(Central hunting administration).

,as the vice-chairman of State hunting commission of RT, Valeriy Taryma noted, the winter trail census is a necessary pre-requisite for protection, management and rational utilization of the resources of world of animals.

- The main goals of the trail census is to determine the numbers and population density of various species of representatives of the animal world on the territory of the republic.

The obtained data will serve as a basis for determining hunting quotas for animals of Tuva during the next hunting season.

Yuri Suchkov, translated by Heda Jindrak
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