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«    March 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Rabid wolf attacked residents of Mugur-Aksy in Tuva

Six residents of Tuvan village Mugur-Aksy became victims of an attack by a wolf, infected by the rabies virus. All six were brought to the republican infectious disease hospital and are now under observation. To prevent the spread of the virus, Tuvan government allocated 500 thousand rubles for vaccinations of residents of the Mongun-Taiga district, where the attack took place. According to announcement by specialists of the Ministry of Health Care and Social development of RT, the rabies vaccine will be administered to the highest risk group - sheep herders, veterinarians, health workers, and others, about 1750 people in total, as the head of Mongun-taiga district administration, Alexei Ochur-ool, told gov.tuva.ru. The sick wolf wandered right into the village, attacking anybody who crossed its path. The animal was stopped only in the very center of the village, next to a grocery store., where he bit a woman who got out of a vehicle. The driver had to run over the wolf three times before the wolf stopped moving. The first analysis of the remains, carried out by local veterinarians,, showed the presence of rabies virus in the body, which is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases which can be transmitted to people from sick animals with saliva through the bite. Right at the location, all six victims were given emergency medical help, and given medications used against rabies. On the same day, they were brought to the republic's capital Kyzyl, and placed under observation by specialists of the infectious disease hospital. As the diagnostic department informed gov.tuva.ru today, the victims' condition is satisfactory, however doctors can be confident that the danger is past only after 45 days of necessary therapy and observation.

Ministry of health care of RT warns residents of the republic to pay attention and to be cautious. Currently specialists are carrying out daily monitoring of the epidemiologic situation and are performing analysis of the stores of medications , vaccines and other resources to take action if there is danger of the spread of rabies.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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