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«    January 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In 2012, 581 wolves were destroyed in Tuva

In 2012, 581 wolves were destroyed in TuvaAccording to expert evaluation, at the beginning of the current year the total number of the grey predators in the republic consisted of more than 2400 individuals. The losses caused by their raids on farming establishments, private households of citizens and hunting industry, is evaluated at the end of the year to the sum of 9.3 million rubles. The most affected districts were Bai-Taiga and Barun-Khemchik, which together account for more than half of the losses caused by wolf raids. In order to regulate the wolf population numbers, a Government decree stated a plan for wolf hunting for 2011-2013, and monetary reward of seven thousand rubles for each killed animal was established.

According to information from State Hunting Commission of the republic, by the end of 2012, 581 predators were destroyed on the territory of the republic, which constitutes 83% of the plan. The plan was fulfilled by Bai-taiga, Ovyur, Tes-Khem, Ulug-Khem and Chedi-Khol districts. Hunters of Sut-Khol district fulfilled their task to 200%, by killing 115 individuals. The plan was fulfilled to less than 50% on territories of Kyzyl and Tandy districts. The situation remains acute in Todzha and Barun-Khemchik districts, where, with total numbers of wolves at 400 and 227 individuals respectively, only 12 and 9 wolves, or 17 and 23% of the plan were fulfilled. A very low level of 10-40% of the plan was fulfilled at hunting lands belonging to Tuvan Republican association of fishermen and hunters, and OOO "Todzha KPKh"

The matter of regulation wolf numbers on specially protected natural territories of federal and republican significance remains problematic. Not a single wolf was killed since the beginning of the new year in state natural preserve "Azas", and the plan was fulfilled to 13% at "Ubsunur depression" preserve.

To destroy wolves in Tuvan districts, 64 brigades with the total count of 405 people were created, equipped with seven snowmobiles, 67 horses, 1700 nooses, 193 traps, 9.5 kilometers of surround flags.

The greatest losses were inflicted to the gray predators by Ivan Oyun, professional wolf-hunter of the State Hunting Commission of the republic, with 54 wolves on his account .

39 wolves have been destroyed by the hunting brigade of Stanislav Dongak in Ovyur district.

Vladimir Salchak's brigade from Bai-taiga exterminated 15 wolves.

During the year, rewards for 608 destroyed wolves, including those killed in 2011 were paid from the budget to the total amount of 253 thousand rubles. Additional stimulus pay to the hunters was established in Chedi-Khol and Ulug-Khem district, to the amount of one and two thousand rubles, respectively, for each wolf. In Mongun-Taiga district, hunters receive one head of small horned cattle for each wolf as additional reward.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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