22 March 2013 | Views: 4472 | Comments: 0 |
Production of Erzin furriers could become the trademark not just for Erzin district, but for whole Tuva. The head of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool, during a trip to the southern districts of Tuva especially noted the factory for skin-tanning and sewing products from sheepskins associated with SPK "Bai-Khol" in the village of Erzin - the administrative center of Erzin district. Minister of economy of RT Elena Karatayeva was assigned to look into the possible variants of support to this branch of activity of the SPK. The factory began production about three months ago. The farm organized a special brigade of seven people, the vice-director of the SPK Orlan Chigzhit was assigned as its head, because he has experience in similar type of production.
Anna Lachugina, translated by Heda Jindrak, photo by Vitalii Shaifulin |